Wednesday, February 12, 2020

How's the role of Engineering in Development of Country

Role of Engineering in Development of India 

Role of Engineering in Development of India may seem a simple and straightforward question, but a lot goes in answering it. This elongated read will help you understand the role of the Engineers in the development of the nation. So, to start with, let's begin with speculation. The thought is that, don't you feel, every second student you meet is an Engineering student? I am not saying that there are no other streams that prominent but, let's face it; engineering is one amidst the most popular higher education streams. And why it shouldn't be because Engineering gives not only promising but also lucrative career options. Dehradun is a hub for education institutes where you can make your technical education easier from the various engineering colleges in Dehradun. Hence, not only students, even the parents want their wards to become Engineers. This, don't ever get you wondering that a stream that old and active, why it never gets out of the job opportunities? It's a relevant question, isn't it? 

The clue to this mystery is really simple; it is that engineers are ones who are behind every development. The world is evolving, and engineers are the ones backing so much of this development. Don't you believe this? Okay let me give you an example as proof; look around the place you are right now. Almost 90% of the things you will lay your eye on will be an engineering wonder. The roads, buildings, appliances, computers, lights, software, toys, even the chemicals, aircraft, spacecraft, and missiles everything is a fruit of the dedicated, potent and established engineers. And therefore they are the most important ones involved in the development of the country. 
If you will observe thoroughly, the majority of today's settings, products, services, etc. had some components of engineering associated in their thought at least, paving the way to long, filling and wholesome lives for the people influenced by them. Accept the fact that engineers play a significant role in every walk of life. They transform understanding of basic sciences into outcomes. They are talented minds who bridge the gap between sciences, technology, and society. Engineers add to the nation's technological and industrial growth. They help improve the living situations for the common people. 
Engineering recognizes numerous specialties and each of the major branches of engineering have diverse subdivisions. Such as Civil engineering, includes structural and transportation engineering and likewise many other streams have further divisions. To understand the role of engineers, we will see what part the different engineer's play, which adds up to the development as a whole:

Civil Engineers:  

The role of civil engineers is to design and oversee the construction of countries infrastructure. Thus, the engineers deal with the construction of buildings, tunnels, dams, bridges, airports, roads, water supply, and sewage systems, statues etc. Civil engineering deemed one of the oldest engineering disciplines includes many specialties such as water resources, transportation, construction, structural, environmental, geotechnical, and urban planning, etc. These all specialties add to both the economic and social development of India. 

Computer Engineers: 

Computer engineers involve both hardware and software engineers. If we say that today's day and age belongs to the technology, then its full credit goes to the brilliant engineering minds involved in it. The automation, AI, auto driven cars, planes, space vehicles, software, marketing, computers, etc. are all the fruit of the computer engineering codes. If you are not aware of how it has helped make the life of the people easy along with enhancing the economic, social and political structure of the country, then you must be living under the rock. Because everything in today's world, be it the business, social-interaction, market, education, and health everything have a direct or indirect relation with the technology which is handled by computer engineers. Therefore they are directly related to the development of the nation. 

Agricultural Engineers: 

These are the people whose minds are behind the development of the technical aspects in the field of engineering. Thus, agricultural engineers apply their knowledge of engineering technology and science to agriculture and to enhance the efficient use of biological resources. They design agricultural equipment, processes, machinery, sensors, and structures, such as those used for crop storage. They uncover techniques to conserve soil and water and to advance the processing of agricultural produce. Agricultural engineers frequently operate in research and production, development, sales, or management in the agricultural sector to increase the returns from the sector which eventually adds to the overall growth of the nation's economy and population welfare. 

Electrical and Electronics Engineering: 

The terms electrical and electronics engineering are often utilized reciprocally in academia as well as industry, but electrical engineers focus on the generation and supply of power, whereas electronics engineers focus on applications of electricity to control systems or signal processing. But, in some way or the other they can be overlapped as both the fields are very closely interrelated. Electrical engineering has been shaping society since the years immemorial, starting from the engineer "Thomas Elva Edison's" invention of the bulb to date the invention of GPS and other advanced devices like a drone, smartphones, etc. The electrical and electronics engineers have added to the intellectual development and sustainable development of the nation. 

Mechanical Engineers: 

Mechanical engineers are the modern professionals trained by highly trained instructors with world-class instructions to develop, manufacture, and test tools, engines, machines, research, design, and other mechanical devices. Imagine your life without machines, sad and stressful right? This will be the state of the country without mechanical engineers. Mechanical engineers work in the construction of the refrigerators and air-conditioners, machine tools, material-handling systems, escalators and elevators, and industrial production machinery used in manufacturing, etc. Besides, mechanical engineers work in production or agriculture machinery, maintenance, or technical sales; many become administrators or managers, etc. These people work hard to produce the machines and equipment which make the working of the houses, industries and various sectors easy and fruitful which eventually adds to the development of the country as a whole. 

These are the ways in which a few specializations offered under the engineering discipline contribute to the development of India. There are even more specializations and brilliant minds being trained in them which work towards the development and evolution of the nation. By our achievements in multiple fields through the help of the Engineers, India stands poised to emerge as a leading nation in the 21st century. The innovation capabilities of our engineers have played a critical role in empowering India to achieve the goal as mentioned earlier.  

In the coming future imagine with the hard work and dedication of our engineers we will be able to have a world with life-saving medical equipment, pollution controls to preserve the environment or low-cost building materials for resisting global poverty. All this takes engineering. In genuine and concrete ways, engineers preserve lives, prevent disease, reduce poverty, and guard our planet. But to do all these things, you need to get a high-quality education. 

To get that you can pursue your technical degree from the various engineering colleges in Dehradun, Uttarakhand.

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